
Showing posts from 2014


Hi guys! What's up, what's crackin? What's going down? I'll tell you something! For some strange reason I've been dying to runaway. Not runaway from like home or something, I am an adult so it's totally legal lol. But runaway as in, just disappear for awhile. See my favorite movie at this moment is the beach ( Leonardo Dicaprio ) and the freedom ( and amount of weed ) shared in that movie is hypnotizing. So, in conclusion, I will fantasize about this dream until further notice.

Mikasa <3 <3

Hello my fellow blog people! So I haven't been in touch with my anime self lately, but today I revisited attack on Titan ( watched the whole series again ) and it reminded me that Mikasa Ackerman is a bad ass female man! She's amazing in every way and form. She's humble and strong at the same time! I love Mikasa!!

I'm back

Hello fellow bloggers I have been away for a long time since I graduated which was when I posted last. All of your worries have come to an end due to my return though right? Of course not! Anyway I'm here to stay and share with you in the wonderful world of blog. Take this picture of a tattoo idea.

The end....

Hey guys! It's pretty late right now for the blogger world but I couldn't help but to post something that's been bothering me for quite a bit now. Well as you all know, the end of the school year is literally right around the corner! I am faced with one final chance. This chance will decide if I graduate with the class of 2014 or not. I really hope I do, I am trying my hardest to stay positive but at the same time I am preparing for the worst. To my fellow blogger peeps, please wish my luck on my Algebra 2 final .......

Plue :*

Good afternoon fellow blog viewers! Just a quick update on things here. So I have been slacking when it comes to posting but, I do get my laptop in June. That is when I will be post crazy! Hopefully I graduate, and my beautiful family will help me with finances. I am staring to work out again so I've been feeling better about things. Please include to read and maybe even follow my blog, perhaps even share it! By the way this is Plue, he's a character on this anime I watch called Fairytale. He's so adorable!

Drama Kid

So I am again ashamed at the fact that I have not posted anything ALL DAY! I should be on like blog punishment right? Well, here's why dudes and dudettes: I'm sure lots of you know that finals are coming( whether in college or high school ) and well I happen to be taking drama 3 this year. So, my final for drama is 2 memorized monologues and a song( I chose to do a song, go me! ) and I've been trying to practice all weekend, but things kept distracting me!! ( as you can recall I went swimming yesterday, damn pool ) and I am proud to say I have one monologue complete!! Oh did I mention it's due on Tuesday ......

I <3 Mikasa!!

Okay guys, remember how I confessed my love for the anime "Attack on Titan" well I sort of forgot to include that my favorite character is Mikasa Ackerman! I love everything about her. Her passion, and of her course her loyalty toward Eren for saving her when she was a child. Mikasa has been through a lot, and she always has it together. She doesn't freak out or quit on anything. She's not a coward and won't let anyone tell her she's wrong. I love her!!!

Summer fashion

It's been a few years since I've been swimming, and today a good friend of mine ( who also has the best pool in Palmdale ) decided to invite me over for a swim. So of course, being me, I had to go get a bathing suit. Due to my high and expensive taste for fashion, I made it more complicated than it needed to be. I found one I really liked though and am happy with my choice. Gosh I love myself!


Hey guys! OMG I had wrote the best blog post ever and right when about to add a picture..... My phone cuts off!! This is why I can't wait to get my new computer. I'm totally Syked about it!!! I'm totally falling asleep as I type, that's how I know I love you guys!!!

Outfit #2

I'm feeling kind of loopy today like mint green kind of feeling 

Day #4

Good morning to all my blog viewers! I hope you guys are having an amazing morning and all you guys ate breakfast and things like that. I'd like to see welcome to day 4 of my amazing blog. I reached 106 views yesterday and I have to say my excitement has not gone down one bit. I se most of my blog views are coming from Canada? That freakin amazing, thank you guys SO SO SO MUCH!! The blog is really forming together, as soon as I get my equipment, I'll be on fire! So once again guys thank you for viewing my blog. Hey don't be afraid sometimes to maybe eve follow my blog. I promise it wont bite, its on a diet of human flesh and boredom from people who just happen to stumble upon my blog. I am still a rookie at this but I've been doing my research and I know things are going to get better from here, ladies and gents. I a still sharing my blog on everything I can, speaking of that I just made an for my blog! You can ask me things on there as well

Day 3 cont....

So Wednesday is like one of those days people don't care for, but than around this time on a Wednesday, people get happy because they realize there are only 2 days of the week left. It's like a French fry, like people hate eating fries cause their like " Oh I'm gonna get fat from these oh no" but at the same time their like "These fries are apart of the list of ingenious ideas from our forefathers" it's a good and bad side, that's the point. I'm sure by now I have your attention and you are probably hungry. Well I told that story as an introduction to this blog post. Once again my page views are still raising!! I know I must be doing something right than. Today, as of an hour ago, I hit 96 page views!!! So, for that, I would like to give all of those people a virtual round of applause. Thank you so much you guys  Xoxo I bid thee farewell 

Day #3

So still going strong with the commitment to my blog, learned some new things today about getting more followers since I really have none! However, I am very appreciative for the people that even bother reading my blog. Now you guys always make my day! Every time I see that the number of my blog views raise, it really makes me happy. Everything may be f***** up at times but that number raising always gives me a reason to go on. I talked to my counselor from FIDM today and we planned a phone conversation for next week. Isn't that great guys? I'm finally living the dream! Well..... my dream

More than a Passion....

I want to open up with all my followers and tell them my tale, my name C******* S****** and I'm 18 years old and my dream is to become a fashion designer and attend FIDM ( Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising) in Los Angeles California. I love clothes not just cause they make you look cool or nice, but because they kinda give you a name. Besides the name on your birth certificate, your style speaks louder than most. It says much more about character, and attitude. It says"Oh I'm in a terrible mood and didn't feel like getting cute today" or something like "I just got some amazing news and feel like a million bucks!" Fashion is more than shopping! So I told this tale to simply reveal to my followers and people viewing my blog, that this blog is one of the any ways I shall express my love for what I love  I bid thee farewell........


Okay so the first day of having my blog was pretty exhilarating, I'm really interested in taking it to unbelievable heights and with the help of my fellow followers I know this can be achieved. Tomorrow I will be adding more to my heading of topics I plan on blogging. Topics like teen thoughts and music and health and fitness. I am still expanding my fan base but I have hope and lots of patience since I am doing what I love. I have planned on creating a youtube channel for my blog as well, I just have to save up for my equipment. I am committed to this blog as you can see, so I want my followers to know that comments are greatly appreciated just to reassure me I'm not talking to myself. Pure and honest options of course, spam Uh not so much. So I leave day 1 with a farewell .........


Well I've made all social media for my blog and as excited as I am I know great things will come with patience and for all my fellow bloggers out there I thank thee for inspiration 

Attack on Titan prt1

So I would like all my followers to know that I watch this anime called Attack on Titan!! I think all you guys would really like it if you are currently following my blog. You can get this app called crunchy roll and watch all the anime episodes you want. Not just attack on Titan but any other drama or anime. I advise you guys who aren't interested in anime to just watch at least one episode and if your like "watevs" to it that's okay I still love you, however if you like it than I love you as well.


I feel like a bunch of daisies flying in an uncontrollable fashion 

Day #1

How it Started   I would like to start this blog off by telling more about me! I am her, not her but the other her, you may call me "She". This name will be pronounced shay. I have big and wonderful plans for this blog of mine, although I ma be young, this just makes in more interesting for readers.